School Education

School education is similar across the country, guided by the Fiji Islands National Curriculum Framework, commonly referred to as the NCF. It identifies six Foundation Areas of Learning and Development (FALD) for early childhood and seven Key Learning Areas (KLAs) for the primary and secondary levels of schooling. The curriculum is grouped into these areas and is described using essential learning outcomes for all students. English is the primary language of instruction in the education system.

School education is compulsory from Year 1 to Year 12 (primary and secondary) and is fully subsidised by tuition grants, including Special & Inclusive Education Grant for children with special needs enrolled in Inclusive or Mainstream Schools. This provision represents the government’s conviction that education is a priority in raising the standard of living of the people of Fiji. School education is administered and supervised by the Ministry of Education, Heritage and Arts and governed by the Education Act of 1978.

One of the strengths of the education system in Fiji is the support of communities and other controlling authorities in the establishment and funding of schools. This has been a major driving force in our high literary rates, particularly in the essential years of schooling. Private primary and secondary schools also receive some government funding but are primarily funded through charging fees.

School education is divided into the following categories:

Early Childhood Care and Education

The ECCE Tuition Subsidy Grant supports the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) for standalone kindergartens or those attached to a primary school. ECCE is given to children between the ages of three and six years based on the Na Noda Mataniciva curriculum guidelines which set out the vision, beliefs, and values underpinning the conduct of Early Childhood Education in the country. This level of education is not compulsory, but each Fijian child is guaranteed a school place. There is a ratio of one teacher to every fifteen children.

Primary Education

Primary schools are supported by the Free Education Grant (FEG). All Fijian children from 6 to 13 years of age (Year 1 to Year 8) must attend a primary school run by the government or social and religious organisations. Primary education aims to develop all children to their full potential by offering them the essential basic skills, knowledge, and attitudes they will need in society.

Children appear for various examinations and assessments after Year 4: Language and Numeracy Assessment (LANA) in Year 5 and 7; Fiji Year 6 Examination (FY6E), Fiji Year 7 Final Examination (FY7FE), and Fiji Year 8 Examination (FY8E) after which they gain entrance to secondary schools.

Secondary Education

Like primary schools, secondary schools are also supported by the Free Education Grant (FEG). Secondary education is from 14 to 18 years of age (Year 9 to Year 13). Still, it is only compulsory until 17 years of age (Year 9 to Year 12). Students usually undergo a five-year programme enabling them to be enterprising, creative, productive, and law-abiding citizens and preparing them to enter higher education.

During the first two years (Year 9 – 10), students can develop essential knowledge, skills, and attitudes in a broad range of subjects of their choice to take the Fiji Year 9 Final Examination (FY9FE) and Fiji Year 10 Examination FY10E.

In the following two years (Year 11 – 12), based on ability, interest, and aptitude, students are guided by teachers to choose subjects for possible career pathways and prepare to take the Fiji Year 12 Certificate Examination (FY12CE).

Students continue to study in their chosen fields in the final year (Year 13) to prepare for the Fiji Year 13 Certificate Examination (FY13CE), which is recognised as a complete and credible qualification and accepted for entry into universities.